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iWild: For more see iWild.org

San Francisco Garter Snake

SAVE THEM ALL: Today’s Endangered All-Star is perhaps the most endangered snake in America: the San Francisco Garter snake, with one or two thousand surviving in only two counties: San Mateo and a fragment of Santa Cruz. This subspecies of the common garter snake is a specialist, preferring to dine on a single  Read More 
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Sonoran Desert Tortoise

SAVE THEM ALL: The Sonoran Desert Tortoise makes today’s Endangered All-Stars thanks to a campaign by WildEarth Guardians and the Western Watersheds Project to add the reptile to the Endangered Species List. The groups petitioned the government for ESA status in June, 2009, asserting that the species has lost 51% of its numbers in Arizona  Read More 
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